Letter from Jake Erickson, CEO of Bingham Healthcare

This year as we celebrate National Hospital Week (May 10-16) with thousands of other health systems across the country, we honor the dedicated employees who make our facilities beacons of compassion, hope, and understanding in the communities we serve.

During these unprecedented times, now, more than ever, I want to publicly thank our staff for everything they’ve done and are still doing each and every day. Their dedication, teamwork, and collaborative efforts have been unparalleled, especially these past few months. I cannot thank them enough.

This year, we also celebrate our 70th Anniversary, and despite the uncertain times we find ourselves in, everyone at Bingham has risen to meet the unique challenges we’re facing. Our 70 years of excellence in healthcare is being demonstrated daily through the countless compassionate ways they continue to serve our patients

Truly, ours is a culture of quality, caring, and compassion. As we stand together through this trying time, I feel humbled, grateful, and encouraged by the upstanding people we have on Team Bingham.

I would also like to thank them for serving on the front lines—day in and day out. For showing courage, strength, generosity, and perseverance during these times of uncertainty, which we know will soon pass. For continuing to deliver hope to our patients and visitors in the same high–quality and compassionate way that we’re accustomed to doing. And for putting their talents forward in order to reassure and protect our patients and to save lives.

Our families, loved ones, and neighbors depend on these remarkable people to heal them, to make them feel better, and to provide physical and mental comfort.

Everyone who works at Bingham plays a special role in serving our community, regardless of the department they work in. I am extremely grateful to be surrounded by each and every one of them. The heightened levels of teamwork, thoughtfulness, and solidarity they have exhibited these past couple of months has been inspiring.

Bingham Healthcare is more than just a hospital. It is also more than just a job. Bingham Healthcare is a family and it’s our family. I have never been prouder to work alongside these incredible people and to call myself part of Team Bingham.

To everyone who works in healthcare, thank you for your tireless service. I hope that you and your families continue to stay safe, strong and healthy, and continue to look on the bright side of things.

We are all in this together.


Yours sincerely,

Jake Erickson, MBA/HCA

Chief Executive Officer

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Happy Hospital Week 2024

Team Bingham, As we enter National Hospital Week, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride for each and every one of you. This week is a

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