Creative Ways to Stay Connected to Loved Ones

Keeping in touch with loved ones right now is one of the easiest and most gratifying things you can do, even with stay-at-home orders in place temporarily. You never know how much reaching out to someone can bring a smile to someone’s face or change their day for the better.

With a large majority of Idahoans, and all Americans, homebound at least until the end of April 2020, there are simple ways you can connect with friends, family members, and loved ones who you aren’t able to see in person.

Snail mail

Wouldn’t you love to be greeted by a handwritten letter in your mailbox?

During various wars, such as WWI and WWII, letters were really one of the only ways for soldiers to communicate with their family, friends, and loved ones back home and vice versa. Receiving news from abroad or from home meant the world to the recipients. They would cherish, read, and reread the letters over and over again.

During these tricky times, why not get out some paper and a pen and start writing letters to the people you care about. You can write about anything you’d like, or send a joke, a sentimental picture, a clipping from the newspaper, or even a handwritten recipe that’s special to you. Perhaps have your children send a homemade drawing to their grandparent(s).

Send a letter to someone serving in the military (that you know or may not know) to thank them for their service. They’re separated from their loved ones too. For more information on how to do this, visit Or, what better time to find the address of your local hospital and send thank you letters to the healthcare providers on the front lines. Your letters (and pictures) will be shared with all of the healthcare employees and will help to brighten their day, guaranteed. Another idea is to have your children send a letter or picture to their teacher(s) to let them know they’re thinking about them.

If you’re not a fan of writing, pick up some greeting cards the next time you’re at the grocery store. There’s no limit as to what you can do. So, use your imagination and send love and joy through the mail.

Pick up the phone

Take a break from the constant bombardment of news on your phone. Instead, use your phone to call a family member, a friend or neighbor, or a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while; even if it’s just to check in on people to ask if there’s anything they need. Spending a few minutes a day talking to people you care about will not only help you to feel better, but them as well.

Send text messages to people just letting them know you’re thinking about them, or even create a group text chat.

Video chatting

Facetime. Video chatting on phones is a lot easier than it used to be. Just turning video on for a few minutes can make a huge difference in people’s lives right now. Simply click the “video” icon once you’ve made the call to turn on the video camera. It’s an extra special way for grandparents to see their grandchild(ren). If someone doesn’t know how to work that feature on their phone, maybe you can help walk them through it.

Facebook. Connect with people on Facebook, but don’t get too lost in the news and opinions. You can send instant messages on Facebook, and Facebook Messenger has a video feature that you can call someone with to video chat—it even has a group chat feature so you can video chat with more than one person.

Two other services that allow you to video chat are Skype and Zoom, which can be found online.

Think about having a virtual game night online, like charades or Head’s Up!

Send flowers

You don’t just have to wait for a special occasion—this is a special occasion—to send someone you care about a lovely bouquet of flowers. It will brighten their home, and make it smell good too! Many florists around the country are still operating and could certainly use the business.

Mother’s Day

Just as a reminder, Mother’s Day is right around the corner. It’s on Sunday, May 10, 2020. With everyone at home, (dads–hint, hint) what better time to get your kids working on homemade craft projects to give to their mothers on Mother’s Day. Moms around the country definitely need to be thanked for all of their hard work—year-round—but especially for these past few months keeping households running smoothly and becoming the “Jane’s” of all trades!

“What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love,” is a touching song by Jackie DeShannon. You can bring that love to the world with each act of kindness you do—big or small. During this time of social distancing, please take a moment to find a way that works for you to reach out and connect with someone.


Our content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.

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Happy Hospital Week 2024

Team Bingham, As we enter National Hospital Week, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride for each and every one of you. This week is a

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