Massage Benefits after an Accident

Have you been in an accident and suffering from pain do to injuries you acquired?
Massage Therapy can help relieve pain and some of the symptoms you are experiencing, like:

  • Headaches
  • Whiplash
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Muscle Tension

Pain from these symptoms restricts movement and keeps you from living the life you want. Massage can help. Massage is a therapy that can relieve your pain and in combination with other appropriate health care measures can help heal certain conditions and prevent their return. In some cases massage can reduce or even eliminate the need for medication or surgery.


While massage has many health benefits, if you have an active or chronic medical condition, please consult your doctor before getting a massage.


Personal injury protection, primarily car insurance will sometimes cover massage to help with recovery from an accident. With a prescription from your primary care provider, workers’ compensation plans may also cover massage for on-the-job injuries. At present, few health insurance plans cover massage therapy but health care is changing rapidly. Check your policy for current coverage and monitor it for changes.


The pain cycle is a complex chain of events which reinforce each other. It is often begins with injury or illness, but each element, especially stress, can add to or even start the cycle. Massage is unique in addressing most of the pain cycle elements. Any single element in the pain cycle can trigger a complex chain of events that ultimately leads back to pain.

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Happy Hospital Week 2024

Team Bingham, As we enter National Hospital Week, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride for each and every one of you. This week is a

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