Melted Snowman Cookies

These adorable cookies are a festive treat to make during the holidays. They’re easy and fun for the kids to help decorate with vanilla frosting, marshmallows, and mini M&M’s.


  • 1 dozen baked sugar cookies
  • 6 marshmallows, halved at an angle
  • White cookie icing, for decorating
  • Black cookie icing for decorating
  • 12 orange jimmies, for noses
  • 24 mini M&M’s, for buttons
  • Chocolate jimmies, for arms


  • Spread white cookie icing on sugar cookies to create melted blobs.
  • Decorate marshmallows with black cookie icing to make dots
  • for eyes and a smile (or smirk).
  • Insert an orange jimmy into the marshmallow for a nose
  • Place marshmallow on cookie icing and add more cookie icing around the neck to secure it.
  • Decorate buttons and arms: Place mini M&M’s on cookie icing for buttons and add chocolate jimmies for arms.
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Happy Hospital Week 2024

Team Bingham, As we enter National Hospital Week, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride for each and every one of you. This week is a

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