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Our Medical and Health Resource Center was designed with you in mind. We're committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information because we want you to be an informed and active member of your healthcare. Here you'll find all of our health-related articles, press releases, the latest issue of our Health Matters magazine, and popular recipes.

Why Estate and Financial Planning is Important in Idaho

Acting as the caregiver to an elderly loved one can be an overwhelming responsibility. Along with being accountable for the obvious day-to-day assistance, the legal and financial liabilities should also […]

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Caution: Baby on Board

When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through a miraculous transformation. But these physical changes can make it challenging to perform even the simplest tasks, like bending over to tie […]

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Microneedling in Eastern Idaho!

Are you unhappy with acne scars, crow’s feet, deep forehead wrinkles, fine lines, mild sagging skin, pore size, stretch marks, or an uneven skin tone? Mirconeedling is a hot, new trend […]

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Options for Elderly Care

What you should know about caregiver options before your loved ones need it As Hannah approached her 50th birthday, she noticed that her parents—both still alive and now in their […]

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6 Simple Food Swaps

When you hear the word substitution, you probably think “it’s never going to taste as good the original.” But these six heart-friendly swaps (for adults and kids) are worth making. […]

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We’ve Got Your Back

With 24 vertebrae and 23 disks, plus nerves, the spinal column and muscles—all working together—it’s no wonder that back pain is so common. “In fact, back pain is probably the […]

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